Doctoral Program Buddhist Studies

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Core Curriculum Winter 2022/23

"Core curriculum" does not necessarily mean that the courses listed here are mandatory. You can find information about what is mandatory in the "curriculum" files (which need to be slightly updated) you have already received from the program coordinator, or by talking to her directly.

In this "core curriculum", we list
- the colloquia of the various individual disciplines that cooperate in our doctoral program (these colloquia are usually not restricted to Buddhist studies topics, and often BA and MA students also participate),
- courses which have been designed specifically for the doctoral researchers in our program.

(The target group of the courses listed in "supplementary courses" include BA, MA, and PhD students of various disciplines.)

1. Colloquia of various individual disciplines:

Colloquium: Feldforschungsergebnisse / AbsolventInnenkolloquium
Mo. 14.00 - 16.00 c.t.
Ludwigstraße 31 – 427
24.10.2022 - 30.01.2023
Constanze Pabst von Ohain
Prof. Dr. Vincent Tournier

Colloquium: Forschungskolloquium: Aktuelle Themen der Japan-Forschung
Do. 18.00 - 20.00 c.t.
Oettingenstr. 67 - 151
20.10.2022 - 09.02.2023
Schulz, Evelyn

Colloquium: PhD Colloquium
Yelle, Robert Alan, Univ.Prof.Dr.

2. Writing Class:

The date for the first meeting still has to be announced. In this meeting, it will be decided on which day of the week and at what time the lessons will take place. If you are interested in joining, please send an email to, then you will receive the link to the first meeting in due time. Here you can find a description of this course.